Welcome to the Asian Writers’ Collective

Asian Writers’ Collective is a publication committed to uplifting and amplifying Asian writers from all over the world, regardless of audience size. Asians are historically known as the quiet ones who hesitate to bring attention to themselves. We aim to change that narrative. Here, we provide a space for the uniqueness of Asian voices and perspectives to be heard and celebrated.

Asia is a vast continent, with numerous countries, cultures, and ethnicities. We will feature writers from all over the world.

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Mission Statement

Asian Writers' Collective is dedicated to amplifying diverse literary voices from Asia and its diaspora. We aim to showcase, nurture, and advocate for Asian writers worldwide, fostering a vibrant community that celebrates our stories, challenges stereotypes, and enriches the global literary landscape.

We are driven by 3 key goals:


We strive to showcase the full spectrum of Asian voices in literature. Our pages feature writers from diverse backgrounds, including those from the diaspora, across various genres and styles. Our goal is to create lasting change in the literary landscape, ensuring that our voices are heard, respected, and celebrated.

Publishing Opportunities

Asian Writers' Collective is committed to creating avenues for Asian writers to share their work with the world. Featuring emerging as well as established voices in our online publication, we're dedicated to being a home for Asian literary talent at every stage of their journey.

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Community Building

We believe in the strength of connection. Our collective serves as a vibrant hub where Asian writers can connect, collaborate, and grow together.

Why subscribe?

Reading the work of those who are different than you will enrich your own life and perspective. Subscribe to support Asian writers carving a space for themselves in the publication world.

Visit the Directory for a full list of Asian writers on Substack.

Posts will consist of author interviews, guest posts, and featured posts curated by members of the community. For many writers, this will be a chance for increased visibility. For readers, it’s an opportunity for you to discover your next favourite writers.

This publication will always free to read.

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Asian Writers Collective is a reader-support publication. Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support this work.

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A publication dedicated to fostering greater understanding and appreciation of Asian cultures and experiences among a global readership


Second-generation Taiwanese-American chronically ill essayist and literary fiction and fantasy author. Short stories and essays previously published in The Cultivation Project, Renewal Missions, and The Publishing Room.
christa is a disabled, fat, queer, neurodivergent, polyamorous filipino-american living in NYC. they write, educate others in patient and self advocacy, build communities through communal care, and do fun, creative stuff with their comrades + pals.
Writer. Operations Manager and Editorial Assistant of Asian Writers’ Collective. Fiction author published by TWS Publications. Advocate of critical-solution thinking and nuanced perspectives.