Aug 5Liked by christa lei (they/them), Tiffany Chu

Hi everyone! 🧚‍♀️ I’m Gwen, and I run The Asian Astrologer, my astrology biz and substack of the same name. I write about ASTROLOGY, PERSONAL STORIES and THE INTERSECTION between the two. I’ve loved writing on substack for the past 1++ year, and I’m excited that we are starting to grow an Asian writer presence here! (I’m from Malaysia 🇲🇾) Big hugs, let’s connect! 🤗✨

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Such an intriguing premise Gwen!

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Thank you Ruhie 🥹✨🫶🏻

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No clue about Astrology and looking forward to learning more from you Gwen!!

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Hi Gwen! That is so cool--I'm also an astrologer, specialized in astrocartography. Would love to connect with you!

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That’s so cool Paulina, excited to connect here! 😍💫

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Hey Gwen, I used to be a professional astrologer, happy to connect though!

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Thanks, Tiffany & AWC Team.

Hi Everyone!

I'm Victoria. I write CARER MENTOR: EMPATHY AND INSPIRATION URL: https://www.carermentor.com/ ‘Heartfelt empathy for Caregivers. A hub of practical tools, resources, and expert insights. A portal of hope.’

- Sharing Resonance and support via reflections on caregiving.

- Offering insights and references from experts for personal growth and reframing challenges.

- Raising awareness to shift the care narrative.

I'm looking forward to meeting you.

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Yes!! More resources and support for carers is so needed. Kudos to you for filling this gap! As a past carer for my Dad through a disabling illness, and having seen and cared for many carers in my professional capacity as a doctor, this topic really resonates with me.

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Thanks, Ruhie! It's lovely to see you here.

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Thanks Victoria! It’s so exciting to be here

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We are all caregivers in one way or another. So much to be done to raise awareness about the role and love to learn more from you and share your work with others!

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Thanks, Franco - exactly! Every one of us is a caregiver and receiver from the time we're born. I appreciate your support and look forward to learning more about your writing. I'm about to start reading Tao Te Ching, just finishing No Mud No Lotus.

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Aug 5Liked by Tiffany Chu


Here's a link to my substack: https://samiragupta.substack.com/

I'm from New Delhi, India and will complete a year on Substack in October. My essays and stories come from an effort to understand the society and culture I grew up in. I question our regressive ideals through my lived experiences and hope to find stories that we all live collectively.

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Hi Samira, I started last October too! Nice to meet you.

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Aug 5Liked by Tiffany Chu

Hello, Samira, I just ran through your Substack and couldn't help but read several posts. I was jumping from one to the next, enraptured by the way you recounted your memories. I want to savor your stories, so I'm forcibly removing myself from my reading spree by leaving a comment here to tell you all about it.

The way you write is fantastic. Time doesn't exist when I read your writing. Thank you for uploading them.

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Hi Cheshir, Thank you for taking the time to read my stories and then leaving a comment here. I cannot tell you how much that means to a writer - because you already know that :) Your comment has made my day today. I'm so glad to connect with you here.

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Congrats on a year! What an achievement

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Hi Samira, I just read one of your essays...it was delightful. Great job!! Happy to get to know you here.

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Thank you, Susan! Glad to connect with you too.

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Hi Samira! I have a few of your posts saved and look forward to reading them!

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This is wonderful Samira. I look forward to reading your stories.

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Thank you Franco. Likewise :)

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Samira, your writing is magical.

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Thank you Tiffany!

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Hi Samira. I have read a couple of your posts before and always enjoyed reading them. Looking forward to more wonderfully crafted posts. 💖

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Thank you Ujjwala! And I look forward to reading more of yours

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Hi Samira, I instantly fell in love with your writing style! Your writing reminds me of why I love reading in the first place. Looking forward to read all your posts now.

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Thank you Zahra! So lovely to hear that! 😊

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Hello AWC community — I'm Jeffrey Yamaguchi and I write two newsletters:

The first is a newsletter focused on BOOK PUBLISHING — https://bookpublishing.substack.com/

As a longtime publishing professional I share insights on 1) how the publishing industry works 2) marketing and publicity strategies for authors and publishers 3) and how to successfully launch your book and grow your audience of readers.

My second newsletter is related to HISTORY / FAMILY HISTORY — https://concentrationalresonance.substack.com/ — My grandparents, and their families, were incarcerated at the Rohwer concentration camp in Arkansas during WWII, and in this newsletter I 1) share updates on projects and happenings related to the WWII Japanese American concentration camps 2) publish updates on a project-in-progress about my family history with regard to the camp experience and 3) provide resources and insights about how to visit and learn more about the camp sites and history.

Thank you AWC for creating this space to share and connect!

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Wow your second Substack sounds fascinating! I'll have to take a look!

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Thank you Sarah — the history, as well as the current explorations and projects, are truly fascinating. It's been truly invigorating to delve into this subject area, especially because it's connected to my own family history. Also: I am excited to be exploring your newsletter, Searching For Enough. Great to be connected.

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Hi Jeffrey. I'm super interested in book publishing and subscribed. Looking forward to learn from all your insights. I'm not quite there yet, but I do have a goal of publishing my memoir.

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Thank you Rafia for checking out my book publishing focused newsletter, and happy to hear about your goal of publishing your memoir. Just subscribed to your newsletter — excited to follow your progress.

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Hi Jeffrey, I find both your publications enlightening and am looking forward to going through each of them.

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Thank you Zahra, really appreciate that, and looking forward to your newsletter as well — just subscribed!

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Hello, AWC! I write about living with BIPOLAR DISORDER, WRITING, and I share PERSONAL STORIES not necessarily related to bipolar. My Substack is called Comedy, Tragedy and I publish weekly on Tuesdays.


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Super important topics. Thanks so much for your courage in writing about them, Barb.

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Hello friends at AWC! This is the first time I’ve been on a thread like this so I’m excited to get to know everyone.

I’m Clare Chai, my substack is Slow Burn Living https://slowburnliving.substack.com and I write about:

- the SIGNIFICANCE OF SMALL RANDOM THINGS (like how fishballs connect the chinese diaspora through southeast asia and china, and what wedding invitations say about our culture)

- TINY FORGOTTEN BITS OF HISTORY like letter writers writing letters for the illiterate.

- and FICTION.

I’m currently writing from hot and humid Hong Kong! 👋

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You have me craving fishballs now!! I think I’ll have some tomorrow 😋 (I’m from Malaysia!) So wonderful to meet you Clare, I love your publication title and the energy you put out ✨🧚‍♀️

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Hello Gwen! My family is from Malaysia too and we got quite excited watching badminton in the olympics recently haha. Thanks and lovely to meet you on here ☺️

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Welcome Clare, nice to see you here!

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Lovely to meet you here again Clare!!!

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Hey Clare, all of the topics that you're writing about are so fascinating! looking forward to reading your work.

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Hi everyone! I’m Ellie and I’m an artist and community educator from the SF Bay Area. My Substack is a quarterly newsletter called Thought Process where I talk about:



- BEHIND THE SCENES OF MY PUBLISHING JOURNEY for my upcoming book Louder than the Lies: Asian American Identity, Solidarity, and Self-Love which comes out in October!

Thanks AWC for this opportunity!! Glad to be here!🤗

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Ohh congrats on the book coming up! Just added it in my Goodread TBR :)

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Appreciate it!!! 🙏

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Hi Ellie. Congrats on the upcoming book. I'd love to read it and also read your behind-the-scenes publish journey!

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Thanks so much for the support!

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Hello! I'm Sarah and I'm over at Searching For Enough: https://searchingforenough.substack.com

I write about PERSONAL STORIES, WELLNESS, TRAVEL and MINDFULNESS and the intersection of it all. In more detail: I write about what enough looks like in our lives when it comes to your possessions, relationships, money, career, and everything in between.

I'm currently in Florida, USA, but travel all over. Looking forward to meeting others!

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Hi Sarah!!! Wanted to say love your substack and the concept behind it! 💕

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This is great Sarah! I can relate to some of your posts. I subscribed to your newsletter and looking forward to reading your stories.

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Hey Sarah! I've enjoyed reading some of your posts!

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Wow lovely to find you here as well Sarah. Your work has inspired in a profound way and I don't know how to describe it. Just a big fan of yours and love everything you write.

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Thanks so much Franco! I liked your latest post.

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Aug 5Liked by Tiffany Chu

Hello, I'm Cheshir. I post serial/short fiction as well as some author's commentary over at CHESHIR'S WORLD — https://bigcheshir.substack.com/

The stories I write are usually in different shades of SPECULATIVE FICTION and FILIPINO AMERICAN IDENTITY. In my commentary, I plan to talk candidly about my thought process as a writer and point out little decisions that I made to craft my stories. I've only had my publication for 2 months now, so I'm still very much in the beginning process and expect to continually refine what I offer in the future.

I'm happy to be a part of AWC. I look forward to watching it grow in the future.

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Hey Cheshir, did I miss adding you to the directory?

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Aug 8Liked by Tiffany Chu

Ah, no, that was a decision on my part not to submit my own publication to the directory yet: I'm happy to introduce myself and be a part of the community, but I don't think that my content is worthy of promotion just yet.

I jumped into Substack without a plan and wandered into where I am now. So, I would like a bit more time to refine my output and presence before I get featured. I was planning on submitting my publication formally to AWC when I had at least 6 months under my belt. I don't think I can manage the stress of growing right now, even though I would like to have my stories read.

Thank you for checking 😊

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Ok, got it! Thanks for clarifying. Looking forward to where you take your publication.

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Aug 5Liked by Tiffany Chu

Hello everyone!

I am Maynk, and I write on Out of the In about a series of unfortunate events and experiences on the state of mental health and education in India. Some information hardly ever gets out. My aim is write about the conditions students go through as they are pushed toward the protests we see nowadays.

I have only met a handful of people here. I somehow manage a lighter publication where I write about intriguing analyses and breakdowns among other stuff. I would love connect with you all and support this community.



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Hi Maynk, listen to your heart and just write what you wanna write. Your audience will find you.

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Thanks Franco! You hit the chord at the right moment somehow.

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Hi everyone! I’m Ruhie and my newsletter is From the Heart to Beyond: https://open.substack.com/pub/ruhievaidya?r=27c77i&utm_medium=ios

I write about:




- (amongst other things like the life lessons we learn from family and parenting)

Inspired by my personal experience caring for and losing my Dad to terminal illness, professional background as a doctor, and daily life as a writer and mum of three.

I write to:

- Shine light on topics we tend to shy away from, so people feel more equipped and less alone in their experiences

- Provide support and solace during a difficult time

- Encourage us all to stop taking life for granted

- Inspire us to discover what makes life truly meaningful

Thank you AWC for this opportunity! I can’t to connect with others writers here :)

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Hi Ruhie, nice to meet you! Your comment really caught my attention because my sister's nickname is Ruthie, and she's studying for the medical boards. We also lost our dad to cancer, and our mom is currently battling the disease as well. Thank you for sharing your experiences with the community - grief and anticipatory grief aren't talked about enough, I think, and it makes the experience so much scarier once you're in the thick of it. :(

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Thanks so much Regina! Haha I’ve been mistaken for “Ruthie” so many times in my life 😂 I’m sorry to hear about your Dad, and what you’re going through currently with your Mum. That must be incredibly tough. You’re so right that grief and anticipatory grief aren’t talked nearly enough, but by having these conversations we can hopefully make them less scary. I’m glad to connect here :)

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Thank you <3 nice to meet you too!

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Nice to meet you, Ruhie. Already subscribed and was so touched and resonated by your commitment to your dad. I'm writing about my dad, too! <3

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Thank you so much Rafia! I’m really sorry to hear about your Dad’s illness too. It’s so great to connect with you here - I look forward to reading your writing :)

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I can't imagine how you have been through Ruhie, and thank you so much for being so open to write about your dad, your life, and your stories. I have never known how to face my fear and seems there is so much to learn from you. Grateful to know you.

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Thank you for this kind message Franco! I hope what I share is helpful for you and I look forward to connecting with you :)

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Hello, I'm Sue & I write TRANSFORMED BY HIS LOVE, URL: https://susankuenzi.substack.com I write about HEALTH & WELLNESS (Emotional and Physical), FAITH/BRAIN SCIENCE, and PERSONAL/INSPIRATIONAL STORIES. I started writing on Substack about 4 months ago. I have enjoyed connecting with Asian writers and love hearing about your lives. I love to encourage other writers. I taught in China, and after I returned I taught international students from all over the globe before going into the counseling field. My passion is helping people heal and grow. I live in Oregon now.

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Heal and grow.. blessings !

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Yes. I loved the name you chose—Healing Echoes. The book I am currently writing is called Tenderly Transformed: Growing and Healing Through Turbulent Times. It’s been a labor of love. I am happy to connect with you and love your theme. As a counselor I often talked with people about resilience and finding purpose and meaning. Blessings on your work and parenting, Neha!!

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Thank you glad we connect 🤍🙏

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Aug 6Liked by Tiffany Chu

Hello everyone!

I'm Neha and I write Healing Echoes - about a journey of resilience and writing for a purposeful life. sharing my work mostly through storytelling/essays.

where I pour what I feel some words that connect to some extent and add value and purpose to Life.

Here's a link to my Publication:


I'm from Uttarakhand India, and almost 8 months in here on Substack. My purpose here is twofold: learning from different perspectives and expressing myself through writing to contribute to growth and foster a purposeful life.

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A beautiful and heartfelt premise Neha :) I too am writing as part of my journey to live with intention and my hope of sharing this with others.

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Nice to connect with some you Ruhie. It's amazing when you connect with like-minded people.

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Nice to connect with you Ruhie. It's amazing when you connect with like-minded people.

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Happy to meet you, Neha! I like the focus of your writing and will read some of your work. Blessings!

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Thank you. I'm glad to connect here. Looking forward to more stories.

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Don't we all want to live a more purposeful life?? Lovely to meet you and look forward to reading your work Neha!

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Yes, we want more purposeful and meaningful life. Thank you for your kind words.

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Hi Neha! I admire the concept behind your substack. So, delighted to see someone writing about resilience and purpose.

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Thank you for your kind words. Glad to connect here.

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Hello everyone! I'm Regina Peralta of Buhay Copywriter. It's a newsletter/blog about LIFE AS A COPYWRITER/ADVERTISER IN THE PHILIPPINES ('buhay' is Filipino for 'life'). I mainly write about WRITING, ADVERTISING, and PERSONAL STORIES RELATED TO MY CAREER/PASSION. You can check it out on www.buhaycopywriter.substack.com

Also, can I just say I'm so happy to have found fellow Asians here on Substack? Yay!!

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Hi Regina! xo

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Hi Victoria! Nice to e-meet you. :)

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Hi Regina, so nice to see a fellow Filipina here. :)

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Hi Frances, nice to meet you! Yaaas another Filipina on Substack!

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🏝️Hello everyone! I'm Lani at No Girl is an Island, a first-generation Chinese-Thai Polynesian American who has been living and working abroad in developing countries since 2009. 🏝️ I write about CULTURE + IDENTITY and the EXPERIENCES THAT DEFINE US, big and small, one quirky essay at a time.

Here's my latest, "Are you China?" https://lanivcox.substack.com/p/are-you-china

Have a listen or a read. 🥰 Looking forward to meeting you all, and thanks for the homework AWC! 😉

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Hey Lani! Love reading other Asians in the West write about culture and identity! I have "Are You China" saved for reading!

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Awww, thanks. ❤️

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you have opened up my world to what it is like to be you. thanks for sharing your stories with us Lani!!

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Thank you, Franco, for your kind words!

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by Tiffany Chu

Hello! My name is Rafia (pronounced Ruff-ee-ya). I'm currently based in Indianapolis, USA, though I was born in Toronto, Canada. However, as the daughter of Hyderabadi Indian immigrants, I'm forever shaped by that culture, especially as I see my parents age and dealing with my father's illness.

My brand spankin' new Substack is called "Raf Drafts," like rough drafts and my name... ergo, Raf Drafts. I thought it was clever anyway. https://substack.com/@rafdrafts.


Looking forward to getting to know you all and reading your writing!

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I LOVE your Substack name!!! Genius 😆 I’m also the daughter of Indian immigrants, also familiar with illness in my father, also writing a memoir! How awesome is AWC for helping writers like us find each other. Can’t wait to connect with you Rafia 😊

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Thank you, Ruhie! So amazing, right? When I saw your Substack today, I was like, "OMG! We have so much in common." So glad to have found you and I look forward to following you and your (memoir-writing) journey!

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Mind blown 🤯🥰 Thanks and same to you!

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Glad you’re writing on Substack, and happy to meet you here.

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Hey Rafia! Welcome to Substack! Keen to start digging into some of your posts!

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Aug 6·edited Aug 9Liked by Tiffany Chu

Hello Everyone!

Name's Walyullah. I'm a kid from Canada, a poet and pre-med student, currently working on my poetry manuscript. My substack has no clever name. It's just Walyullah's Substack, a personal brand if you will, at https://walyullah.substack.com/ where I share:

- my POETRY and the story/writing process behind it,

- MUSINGS, insights I've had or things I've learned (interesting musings ofc, possibly weird too lol, culturally flavored)

- and more musings based on SNIPPETS OF MY LIFE as a Gujarati Canadian Muslim. For example, one of my posts is about how I serendipitously met an Urdu poet (the sole pupil of a famous Urdu poet) in the subway.

I kind of just ended up on Substack last month by jumping on the bandwagon, and I've already met some really cool people. Can't wait to meet some more!

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Hi there! I’m Heidi Tai, the writer behind ‘Letters From Heidi’ (https://heiditaiwrites.substack.com/) I was born in Sydney Australia, and raised by parents and grandparents who immigrated from Hong Kong.

I write at the intersection of life, faith and culture. My three main topics are: 

1. IMMIGRANT FAMILY STORIES - joys & challenges of working-class immigrants, wrestling with my identity as a 2nd Gen, and how my Dad and I bridged the gap between East & West

2. MOTHERHOOD & INNER-CHILD HEALING - reflections as a new mother (who once never wanted children), healing the inner-child, and inter-generational trauma. 

3. FAITH & HOPE - my personal story of how a once hard-hearted and rebellious woman came to find love, mercy and forgiveness in Jesus.

I look forward to meeting more writers in this community! Please don’t be shy to say hello!

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Hello Heidi! You're from literal-clouds-of-spiders and all-these-animals-could-kill-you land! I have two friends there too haha. Where I am the biggest danger is a flock of geese lol. I'm 2nd gen too, so I look forward to reading your posts. The healing part is actually very fascinating to me. I'm a young guy but I've heard from older dudes that many women these days don't want children, so it would be very interesting to read your story and how your world changed for you when you had kids. And I'm Muslim but all Abrahamic faiths share very major tennets, so I'm sure I'll be able to relate to your faith based posts too. Excited to read!

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HAHA yes! I literally live among the spiders and predators, but my Hong-Konger parents didn't train me to survive among them! I also find geese terrifying hahaha! Great to hear you're also second Gen and that faith plays a part in your life as well. Thanks for subscribing and for supporting my work!

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incredible and I can't wait to read your stories Heidi!! and hello from Hong Kong, although I wonder if you feel any connection to this city at all.

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Hey Franco! Thanks for saying hi from Hong Kong! My maiden name was also "Wong". I have only been to Hong Kong three times but I was too young to remember the place in much detail. However, I feel connected to the culture as HK food, Canto Pop and TVBJ was such a big part of my childhood. Cantonese was also my first language. As my grandparents and parents age, I feel a greater desire to preserve our history, language and traditions! I look forward to following your work too!

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Hi there! this is Franco who writes the Franco's Newsletter since 2021 where I have been publishing every Friday non stop for 3 years now. Guess I have always tried to hide myself in a crowd, but I am grateful to find my place and the people who resonate deep down in our souls here on Substack. I write about how to be HEALTHY, HAPPY, and WEALTHY. I live in Hong Kong with my wife and two kids (4yo girl and 2yo boy). We spent the past 18 months living in London but it was just a bit too much to take care of the kids all by ourselves. Who knows where we will be in a few years. Lovely to meet you all!!

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Hey Franco! Consistent writing for three years is a wonderful achievement! Well done!! Looking forward to reading your work.

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Appreciate it so much Heidi!! and I will start reading your work once i put my kids to sleep tonight:)

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Hi Franco, can't believed I haven't subscribed yet! Just hopped onboard~

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hey there, apprecaiate it so much!! and let's meet up if you are free in the coming weeks or months!!

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Was excited to see a UK city name on here! Though I know you have headed back to HK more recently :) parenting without support is unimaginable to me, I have NO idea how my parents did it when they migrated to the UK in the 70s!

I hope the UK treated you well whilst you were here and I hope you are enjoying being back in HK with the family :)

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Gonna read more about your life and work later tonight after putting the kids to bed:) I love London, and basically living abroad in general I would say. Just the wind and rain in the winter are turning me off a bit, but I enjoy just talking a random walk around the parks and streets in Londnon where magic always happen in one form or another. Who knows what will happen in a few years. Would love to come back and visit once more!

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The winters are hard, it takes a LOT of getting used to and preparation for. We have winter rhythms that help us as it is very dark, cold and wet. And even worse in Manchester where we live 🙈

And thank you for putting time aside to do that! Life is so busy with little ones so I much appreciate it 🙏🏼

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Hi everyone! I'm Paulina and my Substack revolves around HEALING COMPLEX PTSD. https://openselflove.substack.com

It's a combination of personal reflections, affirmations, and prose related to the healing journey. My parents are survivors of the Cambodian genocide, and I feel like it is my responsibility to heal both my trauma and the generational trauma that I inherited! Yay!

Oftentimes we think we need to heal in isolation, but I think it is important and much more beneficial to find healing within community.

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Hi Paulina! Gotta love that intergenerational trauma, yes? I really appreciate you telling your personal story and using your voice in such a powerful way. I'm sorry for the suffering you've experienced, but I'm very glad to meet you. I look forward to getting to know you more on this creative path! ❤️

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Hi!! Thank you for the kind words. Haha yes, the "character building." I'd like to think that all this pain and suffering need not be in vain--that I could repurpose it into something instead. 🤍

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I’m looking forward to reading some of your work, Paulina.

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Paulina, a good friend of mine is also a survivor. I met her through the local Chinese church here in Oregon. I can’t even imagine the trauma of what they endured.

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Hi Susan, yes, I agree. Can you believe it was only recently recognized as a genocide by the UN in 2018--that decades had gone by without much support or justice for survivors? There's a lot of shame around mental health struggles with that generation, and that's further reinforced by the fact that the global stage didn't recognize the need for support systems for survivors. A lot of them don't want to talk about it but fail to see how their unaddressed trauma still affects them in the present and affects the people around them.

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Paulina, that’s so sad. I understand the shame around mental health and trauma in that generation. I am a counselor. Also, I met a number of people when I worked in China who had nightmares and poor sleep from what they endured during the Cultural Revolution. But even my good friend here wasn’t comfortable getting help so she just lives with the impact of trauma. In 2018 my friend who is a MFT and I traveled to China and we taught workshops on a counseling approach to therapists in Kunming. I am very aware of the pain so many Asians carry, and the horrific experiences in Cambodia would have been so devastating. I look forward to reading your work.

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Aug 8Liked by Tiffany Chu

Hi Friends 🧡 my name is Anna, I am a BBC (British Born Chinese - any homies out there?!) and the writer behind ‘Heart & Hope’.

I write about the TENSION BETWEEN HOPE AND DESPAIR from a FAITH and SPIRITUALITY perspective.


It’s great to be here ☺️

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Wowsers Anna, you're BRITISH Chinese! Just listened to your latest voiceover and was so shocked because I was expecting an American accent haha! Love seeing you here as well!

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Hehe yup born, bred and raised ☺️

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Aug 8Liked by christa lei (they/them)

Hi Anna, UK Born Chinese too. From 'Up North'...but lost my accent or rather my parents sent me to boarding school, an expensive way to get rid of it ;-) so I guess I've a BBC newsreader accent and I'm BBC!?

I've mainly lived and worked in other countries but returned in 2018 to help Mum look after Dad...

I don't write about much about identity in terms of being BBC, I think Corporate to Carer and Caregiver are bigger priorities (See my comment & Substack main post)..

I look forward to connecting and sharing thoughts moving forward.

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Aug 8Liked by Tiffany Chu

Awhh yay! Fellow BBC! And haha my mum used to try keep my accent neutral too but she doesn’t mind so much now ☺️ and thanks I will check you out!

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Hi, I am Ujjwala. I live in India and write FICTION- FLASH/MICRO on Substack. I write in random genres about the things I observe. Mainly I keep circling back to- POWER IMBALANCES, PATRIARCHAL SYSTEMS and CLIMATE CHANGE. From fantasizing about writing fiction for years and years to finally starting, I have made it here lol. Currently limiting my practice to only short fiction. I like telling these tiny stories because they allow me to treasure the little moments that make bigger stories. My Substack, Plausibly Fictional (https://plausiblyfictional.substack.com/) is where I am slowly closing the literary chasm between what I write and how I want to write.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Tiffany Chu

Hello Everyone! 👋

I'm Zahra writing FIREFLIES IN A JAR.


I was born and brought up in Indore- a small town in central India. Have been residing in the US for the past 8 years.

I currently live in the Midwest with my husband and 2 boys (6 &3).

I mainly write about :


Writing from the lens of an immigrant who is finding herself

between the only two worlds she has ever known.


I will be writing about my homeschooling experiences and what my kids have been teaching me about faith and parenting while I try to be a guide on their learning journey.


And everything in between that demands my attention.

Having just started my Substack as an outcome of participating in a 7 day writing challenge, I'm still learning the ropes around here. So excited to be a part of this community of inspiring writers. I hope to learn a thing or two from each of you!❤️

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Welcome to Substack!!

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Thank you Susan!

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I love the name of your Substack. Living in the PNW, I have not ever seen fireflies in person, though I'd love to. I joined Substack just a few months ago so if I can ever be of help, just say the word. I am happy to "meet" you here and wish you the best.

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Aug 9Liked by christa lei (they/them), Tiffany Chu

I've never seen any before either. Would be fun to try and catch them haha.

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Aww thank you! That's very kind of you Susan. I will keep that in mind and reach out if I get stuck somewhere.

And yes, my kids absolutely love watching fireflies in our backyard.I admit having never seen any back in India but it's been a little luxury having that over here now.

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Aug 9Liked by christa lei (they/them), Tiffany Chu

Wow, I love hearing more about your life. One thing I use often on Substack is the help chat feature. They are great about answering questions—very responsive. Blessings!

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Thank you for the tip Susan. Will definitely try it out!

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hi all!

you might already know me from doing wednesday check-ins, but my name is christa (they/them) and I run IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT? which is a newsletter about the ways i live life as a disabled, queer, neurodivergent, fat, polyamorous non-binary person of global majority. i've lived a number of lives (in clinical research, healthcare, and death doula) and these intersectional identities inform who i am. i write about life lessons i've learned (PERSONAL STORIES/MEMOIR), and SPIRITUALITY and CARE and how that informs our personal lives. sometimes i'll post fiction just to be fun, but a lot of what i do is help people explore their strengths so they can utilize them during a high-challenge or stressful period. i used to be a professional astrologer, and i still give readings from timet o time but i do write some of the "harder" placements to work with.

https://isthiswhatyouwant.org : Subscribe today, it's free unless you join a Patreon+ tier

nice to meet you all! let's chat! <3

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Aug 9Liked by christa lei (they/them), Tiffany Chu

Nice to meet you on here Christa! Wow that’s multiple lives indeed. Looking forward to hear more of your stories. I’ve always wondered how someone becomes an astrologer if one was interested… it’s not like there’s a university course for it is there 😆

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Aug 9Liked by christa lei (they/them), Tiffany Chu

Hi everyone! I’m Sharmila, from Penang, Malaysia. I run an Asian poetry newsletter called Poetic Journeys With Sharmila. I write about POETRY IN REAL LIFE, profile my fellow ASIAN POETS and feature ASIAN POETRY IN POP CULTURE, among other topics. Great to see such amazing reads in this thread, and to connect here on this thread with my fellow Asian writers.

My Substack URL is: https://poeticjourneyswithsharmila.substack.com/

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