
So happy to be part of the team. Excited to see what's coming up next for us :-)

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I'm excited to have you, Christa!

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Tiffany Chu, bakhtawar

Hi Tiffany. Glad to see this shaping up. I do have a concern though that I would like to share. A lot of the spaces that are coming about online for people of colour tend to focus on experiences of those that are based in the West. And, while that’s important, equally are those of POC based in their own countries or other diasporas in the East.

The former is something that I have been encountering a lot and hope that Asian Writers will strive to be more balanced on this account.

Also, that Middle Eastern voices are just as Asian as the rest.

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Hey Tanya! I'm bakhtawar, a Pakistani based substack writer and part of the team here in the Asian writers collective!

The Asian writers collective has a team that is well verse in these technicalities, so don't worry, part of my inclusion is trying to get the voices here in Asia the same opportunity (even though not a lot of us here are picking up on substack like the west is -.-')

As for your last sentiment, middle eastern countries that lie within the Asian continent are welcome here! Hope this helps ease your concerns!

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Jul 5Liked by Tiffany Chu, bakhtawar

Thanks for responding promptly, Bakhtawar. I appreciate you acknowledging the situation and yes, we need more voices from our region, in fact, from the global majority here. I’ve shared this in my circle and hope this really becomes a diverse and inclusive space :).

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Jul 5Liked by Tiffany Chu

I’m excited to see the dynamic voices here! I’m curious if you include poetry/poets, or if its omission was intentional.

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Thanks for being here, Camille! I hope to include poetry in the future. There weren’t enough people who indicated they wrote poetry to warrant a separate category, unfortunately.

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Jul 5Liked by Tiffany Chu, bakhtawar

I’m really happy to see this taking off, Tiffany. I loved seeing your first theme of Identity. As a friend of many Asians, I know how central this theme really is…and how vital Identity is for growth and healing as well. @Tanya Shakil, I had a couple of thoughts concerning Asian writers in their home country. I taught at a medical college in China so I still have some ties there. But my close friend in China isn’t able to access my Substack even. She often bumps into internet restrictions. I know FB isn’t allowed there. She’s a very private person because of things she’s endured. I sometimes send her things I write but have to do so carefully. So it would be cool for people like her to have opportunities to participate but it might take some facilitation.

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I have to credit Bakhtawar with that one. ^-^

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I'm so excited about this! Let me start by sharing this my first support!

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Thank you, Rachel! We need your help to spread this far and wide.

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Jul 5Liked by Tiffany Chu

I love everything about this initiative, Tiffany! I appreciate you and your team in making the effort to break the bamboo ceiling and in making us seen and heard. A thousand thanks!

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We couldn’t do it without your support, Louisa, so thank you so much for being here!

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excited to see how this is shaping up 🎉 appreciate the shout out :)

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What a beautiful place to be on Substack! So excited to have found my way here via Rachel and so looking forward to getting to know the community and writing gathered here. Thank you for creating this, the Asian Writers Collective team! 🩵

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I'm so happy you're here, Suyin! I hope you consider submitting something for our current submissions period.

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Thank you so much, Tiffany! I missed the current submissions period, unfortunately, as I've been occupied with other writing projects this summer, but I will look out for future submissions calls :) Looking forward to reading the submissions from this round too!

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Jul 7Liked by Tiffany Chu

Wishing you great fun and great reading/writing in your endeavor!

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Thank you, Troy! I appreciate you.

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Jul 7Liked by Tiffany Chu

Congratulations on this launch, team!

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Thanks so much, Zefan! Your support means the world.

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